The movie revolves around the court-martial of a Muslim officer, Javed Khan, in the Indian army for shooting his commanding officer and is set against the backdrop of the Kashmir Conflict in Northern India. Rahul Bose (Maj. Siddhant Chaudhary) is assigned to be Javed Khan's defence lawyer, and the story revolves around his investigations in the circumstances leading up to the shooting.
Maj. Siddhant Chaudhary and Maj. Akash Kapoor are lawyers in the Indian army and are close friends. They are on opposite sides of a case where a soldier kills his commanding officer. The accused is mysteriously silent and not willing to talk about the incident. Siddhant, who is the defense counsel, is apathetic at first but starts taking a keen interest in the case after meeting Kavya, a journalist who demonstrates that the case is not as simple as it seems. The underlying theme in the movie is Siddhant's gradual understanding of what
Shaurya means (his father was himself a decorated army veteran), and the resulting conflict with Brigadier Rudra Pratap Singh (Kay Kay Menon).
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